1. Late Associate Professor of PG, DMC, SMC (MBBS, MCPS, Ph.D.)
Wife: Ph.D. Candidate at DU, BD.
2. Retired Deputy Director of DOT, City of New York, MS (USA), Ph.D. Candidate (USA).
Wife: M.Sc., USA.
3. Late Assistant Professor of DU (Ph.D. unfinished).
4. Manager, Pharmaceutical Industry, NY USA. (B. Com).
4. Business Executive in Miami, FL, USA (BBA, M. Com.)
1. Housewife: B.Sc. Residing in the USA.
Husband: Retired Chief Engineer (M.Sc. BUET), BCIC.
2. Housewife: B.SC. Residing in Finland.
Husband: World Bank Consultant, MS, (Germany), Ph.D., D.Litt. Finland.