A girl who wants to get Heaven by lead a ideal muslim family.
159 cm / 5'2"
164 cm / 5'4"
51 kg
55 kg
Never Married, Widowed
Bangladesh, American Samoa, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Italy, Kuwait, Pakistan, Qatar, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sudan, Switzerland, Thailand, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates, United States, United Kingdom, United States Minor Outlying Islands, Virgin Islands (British), Virgin Islands (U.S.), Yemen
Does not matter
MBBS, Bachelors, BBA, Doctorate , High School, MBA, Masters, Some College
Doctor, Accounting, BCS Cadre, Architect, BA, BSC, Banker, Business, Buying House Job, Computer Professional, Consultant, Customer Call Centre, Defense Officer, Designer, Engineer, Fazel, Govt. Service Holder, Homemaker, Journalist, Lawyer, MA, MSC, Owner, Photographer, Private Service Holder, Religious Institution, Sailor, Self Employed, Social Worker, Sports, Student, Supermarkets, Teacher, Telecommunication, Unemployed, Writer, Other
Doesn't drink, Occassionally/Socially
Doesn't smoke, Occasionally/Socially, Trying to quit, Other