Father: Late, Professor
Educational Qualification: MS (DU), BCS, Ex-Principal at Jhalokati
Govt. College & Govt.College, Shariatpur. Best govt. Awarded Principal,
EX-Captain (BNCC)
Mother: Late, Professor
Ex-Dept. Chairman of History at Govt. B.M. College & worked at DG office
Elder brother: Marine Chief Engineer (Singapore-based Shipping Company) & Bangladesh
Shipping Corporation.
Wife: Senior Lecturer, Department of Pharmacy at Daffodil Int. University
Sister-1: British citizen, Senior Teacher, at Swansea Islamic Academy, lives in her
own duplex house in Birmingham. UK
Husband: British citizen, a Ph.D. fellow at the University of Gloucestershire, M.Phil. At
Loughborough University, Ex-Dhaka University Professor
Sister-2:Masters (First class) & M. Ed (IER) from Dhaka University.