
Sensible Match

Register as a User

Registration with SensibleMatch is free. Follow the steps below to create an account.

  • Click on Register and User Sign-Up page is displayed.
  • Specify your first name, last name, and email address in respective fields.
  • Click on Next and specify details of address and contact information.
    Note: Specifying at least one phone number is mandatory.
  • Click on Next and select two security questions. Provide answers to these two questions. Remember these answers as you may need these if you forget your account password. Do not use your password as any of the answers here as our operators will be able to see these answers for reference.
  • Specify a username and a password. You will use this login information to login into SensibleMatch.

As you complete these steps, SensibleMatch sends you an email to confirm about this account and about general instructions on completing the registration process.