
Sensible Match

Forgot Username or Password

You can retrieve your username of password; if you lose of forget either of these.

    Forgot username

    1. Click Forgot Username link available on the Login page.
    2. Specify the email address that you used while creating an account, and type the text that you see in the image.
    3. Click on Send Email button and an email is sent to you with your username.

    Forgot password

    1. Click Forgot Password link available on the Login page.
    2. Type the text that you see in the image.
    3. Either specify the email address or your username, in corresponding fields. Click on Go. An email is sent to you with your username and a link.
    4. Click on that link and a new � system generated password is sent you by an email.
    5. Use this password to login into SensibleMatch and reset your password.

    Reset your Password

    1. Select Misc -> Your Account and click on Change Password icon in Login Information section.
    2. Specify the new password and the current password that you used to login.
    3. Specify the image text in corresponding field.
    4. Click on Save and the new password has been successfully saved.